Good Wedding Date
Auspicious dates and hours for your marriage in any 2-year period (e.g. Feb 2028 to Jan 2030).
Check Wedding Date
Check whether a date is auspicious for your marriage.
Good Move House Date
Auspicious dates and hours for moving house in any 1-year period (Jun 2028 to May 2029).
You also get a to-do list for move-in.
Good Business Starting Date
Auspicious dates and hours for registering a business, commencing
a business, commencing an opening ceremony, launching a product/project/service,
launching an initial public offering (IPO), etc.
Chinese Name Analysis
Analyse character strokes of a Chinese name.
Good Baby Name
Auspicious Chinese name for a newborn baby. You can use this service to get a new Chinese name.
Change Chinese Name
More auspicious Chinese name to replace an existing Chinese name.
BaZi Analysis
Analyse what destiny indicates about yourself, family, marriage, career, wealth, children and luck.
Luck Analysis
Analyse luck in any year and luck in your current Big Luck period.
Career Fate Analysis
Analyse what destiny indicates about job affinity (事业缘) and job luck (事业运).
Marriage Fate Analysis
Analyse what destiny indicates about marriage affinity (姻缘) and marriage luck (姻运).
Marriage Match Analysis
Analyse what destiny indicates about marriage compatibility of two persons by examining marriage fate (姻缘) and BaZi compatibility.
Wealth Fate Analysis
Analyse what destiny indicates about wealth affinity (財缘) and wealth luck (財运).
BaZi Course
A complete BaZi course on destiny and luck analysis.
BaZi 1 Course
A course on plotting full BaZi and big luck cycle,
performing combinations and transformations for Stem and Branch interactions, and
Ten Gods.
BaZi 2 Course
A course on identifying six BaZi structures and their favourable and unfavourable Ten Gods.
The six BaZi structures are Overly Strong Structure (专旺格),
Fake Overly Strong Structure (假专旺格),
Overly Weak Structure / Follower Structure (从格),
Fake Overly Weak Structure / Fake Follower Structure (假从格),
Normal Strong Structure (正旺格) and Normal Weak Structure (正弱格).
BaZi 3 Course
A course on the representations of Ten Gods and BaZi analysis.
BaZi 4 Course
A course on how luck qi interacts with a BaZi and luck analysis.