BaZi 1 is a foundation course in BaZi. It covers key topics in the learning of BaZi. This course is also the first module in our BaZi course. Participatants are advised to take this module first before taking other modules.
In this course, you will learn to plot full BaZi and plot big luck cycle. You will also learn to perform combination and transformation for Stem and Branch interactions and key concepts of Ten Gods (十神).
This course is taught in English. Concepts are explained using examples. The topics covered in this module are given below.
This course is for anyone who wants to learn BaZi with a good foundation course. This course does not require prior knowledge in BaZi.
Please read Why sign up BaZi course?
To sign up, please click Sign Up BaZi 1 (This is the only place or website to sign up this course). If you have any enquiries, please contact us.
This course is conducted in Singapore.
1.1 Determining a BaZi
1.2 Plotting a full BaZi
1.3 Heavenly Stem (天干)
1.4 Earthly Branch (地支)
1.5 Ten Gods (十神)