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How to identify auspicious dates for marriage?

Using auspicious date for marriage has a long tradition. The Chinese often hold the ROM (registry of marriage) and wedding on auspicious dates. For those who are interested in identifying their own auspicious date for marriage, there are two ways they can do it.

The easiest way to identify auspicious dates for marriage is to consult a Tong Shu (通書). A Tong Shu is a Chinese almanac available in most bookshops. Using a Tong Shu is quite easy. It is a simple matter of looking up a date and checking its usage. If Tong Shu says a date is auspicious for marriage, it means you can use the date for marriage. If Tong Shu says a date is inauspicious, just repeat the process for another date until a desired auspicious date is found.

Using Tong Shu is easy and straightforward but has its limitations. The most obvious limitation is that Tong Shu only gives auspicious dates for the current calendar year. If you want to identify auspicious dates for the next calendar year or the next following year, you would have to wait for the new Tong Shu to be out. Another limitation of Tong Shu is that different Tong Shu by different publishers may show different auspicious dates. This means you should consult a few Tong Shu before deciding on the auspicious date for marriage. Another limitation of Tong Shu is that you need to ensure that the auspicious date is favourable to the groom and bride.

Another way to identify auspicious dates for marriage is to use date selection technique. Using date selection technique needs some exploration and the process can be 'technical'. Using date selection techniques, you would be able to identify auspicious dates for marriage for any future year.

If you are interested in auspicious dates and hours for marriage, please see Good Wedding Date.

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