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Ten ways to improve fortune

There is a famous Chinese phrase that states the ten ways to improve fortune.

一命 二运 三风水








According to this phrase, fortune can be improved through (1) destiny, (2) luck, (3) feng shui, (4) good deeds, (5) studies, (6) auspicious name, (7) physical appearance, (8) respectful to deities, gods and holy spirits, (9) engaging noble people and (10) healthy life style.

1. Destiny (命)

Destiny is listed as the first factor to improve fortune. Destiny refers to your BaZi (i.e. the date and time of birth). Having a good BaZi helps to improve opportunity and luck; thereby improves fortune.

2. Luck (运)

Luck is listed as the second factor to improve fortune. Having good luck helps to improve opportunity and outcome, thereby improves fortune.

3. Feng Shui (风水)

Feng shui is the third factor to improve fortune. Feng shui is about harnessing good Qi and neutralizing bad Qi in a living environment. The belief is that good Qi improves fortune and bad Qi deteriorates fortune. To have good fortune, the living environment need to have good feng shui.

4. Good Deeds (积功德)

Doing good deeds is the fourth factor to improve fortune. Good deeds refer to charitable acts and kind acts. The belief is that good deeds build good karma and good karma improves luck. The influence of good karma goes beyond the present life. Good karma may bring better destiny and luck in the next life. To have good fortune, you need to do good deeds.

5. Studies (读书)

Studies is the fifth factor to improve fortune. Studies refers to the acquisition of knowledge and skills. The acquisition of knowledge and skills helps to improve opportunity and outcome, thereby improves fortune.

6. Name (名)

Name is the sixth factor to improve fortune. Name is about having an auspicious name. Having an auspicious name is believed to improve luck and thereby improves fortune.

7. Physical appearance (相)

Physical appearance is the seventh factor to improve fortune. Physical appearance refers to facial feature (面相), hand feature (手相), physical feature (身相), bone structure (骨相) and voice expression (声相). Physical appearance is about how you appear to the outside world in terms of your look and voice. Having good physcial appearance helps to improve opportunity and outcome, thereby improves fortune.

8. Respectful to deities, gods and holy spirits (敬神)

Respectful to deities, gods and holy spirits is the eigth factor to improve fortune. People who respect deities, gods and holy spirits are blessed. To have good fortune, you need to be respectful to deities, gods and holy spirits.

9. Engage noble people (交貴人)

Engaging noble people is the ninth factor to improve fortune. Engaging noble people is about knowing people who has the capability to offer help and support. It is also about staying away from people who are a risk to you. Engaging noble people helps to improve opportunity and outcome, thereby improves fortune.

10. Healthy Life style (养生)

Healthy life style is the tenth factor to improve fortune. Healthy life style is about eating right, resting well, keeping stress away, exercising regularly, etc. Having a healthy life style helps to improve capability to have better opportunity and outcome, thereby improves fortune.

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